Our Blast Off Service has launched our year together with its usual energy.
Paulo encouraged us to adopt the prayer of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:9-10.
This is our prayer: that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. So that we may know what is the best and so that we might be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, that we might be filled with the fruit of righteous that comes through Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of God.
Paulo encouraged us to act in three ways
1. to pray, "Jesus is not going to answer a prayer that we are not praying."
2. to draw near to one another in loving service expecting God to answer our prayer
3. to open the Bible together this is how we will learn to approve of what is most excellent.
Make this your prayer in 2013!
Listen to the sermon here.
1. to pray, "Jesus is not going to answer a prayer that we are not praying."
2. to draw near to one another in loving service expecting God to answer our prayer
3. to open the Bible together this is how we will learn to approve of what is most excellent.
Make this your prayer in 2013!
Listen to the sermon here.