“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” 3 John 2
Thank you for your patience. I guess you have been wondering what’s happening now that we are not meeting of a Sunday as we have in the past. We deal with each day as it comes and are guided by the Archbishop and WHO directives. Even though our numbers are less than 100 the Archbishop has asked all churches out of duty of care for all, especially the frail and elderly to not meet as we usually do. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t keep in contact and pastorally care and encourage one another as we should and be creative. I called a special meeting of the Parish Council last week to come up with some initial plans that best suits our church and community. Here is the way forward for the time being.
Church of a Sunday
A few of us will meet and read through the order of service, Bible, sing, pray and preach and it will be recorded and accessible off the website. Trevor will contact those available. (If you need help to know how to do this let Trevor, David B or Janice know and we will arrange to show you how)
Karen is to keep in contact with families and children via creative ways during the week. Parents take this time to spend reading the Bible and praying with your children. Playgroup and SRE have ceased until further notice.
The Bulletin will be placed up on the website with sermon outline and Bible Study questions.
The bell will ring morning and evening to remind people God is near and to call people to prayer in their homes. (Also during the week)
Please use direct debit for giving or arrange for your envelopes to be collected by the wardens (Call Diane or Steve)
During the week
All small group meetings in homes or enclosed spaces of more than 4 are to cease until further notice. Observe 4m2 rule!
Members are to keep in contact by phone with others in the church. Use your Parish Directory. Those with special needs let Janice or Trevor know.
Trevor will txt and call you also over the week on various days to encourage you and you he.
The Bulletin will be dropped into member’s letter boxes and a copy of the sermon and Bible Study notes for those who don’t have access to a computer or smart phone. Call Trevor to arrange.
If you have a green prayer book can I encourage you to use it each day. You will find a short service for each morning and evening. Very useful. If you have not got one ask Janice or Trevor for one to be given to you.
Please continue to care for your immediate community and family. Ask how they are going, if they need anything and tell them you are praying for them.
Please feel free to call Trevor or Karen if you need encouragement or would like to encourage them. However, please respect Trevor and Rosemary’s day of Rest Fridays.
Easter Arrangements
The services will be published on the website. Good Friday will be published on Friday morning and Easter Sunday on Sunday morning.