Why “Church 4 families”?
Rosemary and I have found that while most families with young children would like to be able to nurture their children’s spiritual development, they don’t know how or where to begin. Children have a natural acceptance of the things of God and willing to learn. Parents may feel unequipped to talk about God with their children. Life is busy and stressful for most parents and Sunday morning, when Church usually meets, is the only time of the week they have to relax.
Rosemary and I have already found connections with families through our Playgroup, Preschool, Special Religious Education (School Scripture) and Baptisms. We’ve already meet in an informal way like this at Christmas and Easter and at Father’s Day. These occasions have been well received and we have a few families already who have indicated they are keen to come along to “Church 4 Families” and give it a try. Welcoming children and learning the things of God with them is something Jesus clearly valued, saying “Let the little children come to me … for to such belongs the Kingdom of God”. We aim to meet monthly to start with commencing in October 2024 on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 4pm-5:30pm in Church foyer and Playground area. Dates in 2024 are Sunday 20th October Sunday 17th November Sunday 15th December which will be a “Carols in the Playground”. |
What will I expect